Sunday, November 20, 2011

My first scandalous award

Haha ;)

The side of me that you guys read about the most is usually the jokester, overly emotional, Hello Kitty and True Blood obsessed good girl. Don't act like you have already passed judgement. But this award? This award is going to show you a different me, because someone in the blogging world wants to f*ck me
And I'm honored.

Okay, well she actually wants to make me her famous chocolate chip cookies and hold hands with me, but that's basically my idea of 3rd base so we're pretty much going all the way. Check out Allie's page and if you fall in love with her like I did don't say I didn't warn you. She's the kind of girl your mother warned you about.

I only chose a handful but just because you're not tagged it does not mean I wouldn't hit it/I don't love your blog. Remember that! So without further adieu. . .

My "Hit" List:

Wii - She's freaking adorable in so many ways. We have a bit of a blogger romance already, so naturally this is the next step.
Femmes With Benefits - There are THREE of them, ya'll, so I'd pretty much have a free for all.
Max - Max gives good blog. Take it from someone who has gotten good blog from her on more than one occasion ;)
Andrea - I've asked Andrea to marry me and she has accepted. Why we haven't been intimate yet is beyond me.
Lady K - She's a MILF and now she's a BILF too! Check her out and you'll see why.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

TEHYF Tuesdays: The countdown to Thanksgiving

So loves. . .
*bashfully kicks at pebbles on the ground with her head down*

The Apology.

I know I made enormous promises about a kick-ass costume and even had you vote on it (don't hate me!). I'll have you know that I had every intention of going out for Halloween with your comments in mind, but what I didn't intend on dealing with was a man named Sam. Uncle Sam.

Long story short - Halloween did not go as planned due to lack of funds and an emotional breakdown about said lack of funds. By now you should know I'm dramatic so my emotional breakdown consisted of me spending the night watching scary movies alone on Netflix as a punishment to myself, eating cookies, and avoiding trick-or-treaters at all costs. I was pretty much a Halloween Grinch, only more b*tchy. A Brinch, if you will. It happens.

Next year I should just sell-out and go as a sexy bunny or something. Grab some rabbit ears, a belly shirt, tight jeans and call it a day. Being creative is expensive.

My roommates, however, had a great time. They can do last minute costumes better than anyone I know.

One is a Scottish Man and one is a. . .sandwich?
5 Things I've realized this week.

1.) I don't know enough about Greek mythology, and I want to. After watching "Immortals" and having a very heated debate about symbolism that didn't actually exist in it, I realized this.

2.) Dieting or eating healthy in general becomes a lot easier when your roommates are health nuts. Like ALOT easier.

3.) Dare I say it . . .I miss La Madre. How many more days until Thanksgiving?!

4.) If my 15-year-old twin siblings don't tell me about a popular song, there's a good chance I will never know about it. I'm becoming one of those people. Those of you who don't already know - I don't have cable because a.) Hello, money. b.) My roomies and I don't watch enough of it and c.) It's kind of ironic and funny considering where I work.

5.) I have never not wanted kids more than I haven't wanted kids this week. Between work and people with bratty kids on the street it's like the universe has been screaming at me to not get crazy. Now I've never expressed interest in having a kid now (not for a whiiiiiile), but I have to give it up to any and all of my followers who do have children. You guys rock!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

You know when something isn't a good idea but you do it anyway?

Yeah, that happens to me sometimes.

There might be a psychological term for this and if there is, I have a very mild form of it. It's kind of like when you do something just to see what could happen even though you know there's 99% chance it's going to end badly, but you do it just for that 1% that something crazy good could happen? You like your odds anyway.

I was having that inner battle with myself the weekend I encountered my first real-life bar right. Please, hold the applause. I feel compelled to say now that I wasn't actually in the bar fight, per se. Being in it would imply I threw punches or took punches and homie don't even play that. Not in platforms, anyway.
The Bar Fight.

My college friend who I call "Country" (although she hates that because she swears Baltimore isn't "The South". Baltimore is the south and Westchester is upstate. It just is) came to visit for homecoming weekend so her, one of The Roomates, and myself decided to wander around Astoria and find something to get into. Country, whether she wanted to believe it or not, needed to be exposed to the city and I was going to be the friend to do that for her. This was the night I realized how heavily populated by hispanics my area is - specifically hispanic men. Specifically middle-aged hispanic men. I guess I should have noticed that on my last outing but fishbowl drinks, no dinner, and wine will have you thinking everyone's a Casanova.

We did our "rounds", which included us visiting our go-to clubs, but when we noticed that we didn't like the crowd, aka there weren't enough free drink offers and we weren't in the same incapacitated state as the first time we went there, we needed to find a more lively scene. This would have been a problem easily solved by going to a more lively club, but I had other plans.

There's this place that always plays good music but never has anyone in there nearby so I convince them we should check it out on our way to a new spot just so we can listen to the music for a bit. As we approach the restaraunt/club we see that the bartenders are wearing underwear (full bra and panties sets) and the guests have got to to be their cousins, brothers, and relatives of some kind because everyone looks alike.  This should have triggered the "don't go in there" alarm, and it did - until someone mentioned an open tab and us being more than welcomed to use it...

At that point it was kind of unanimous that we were going in there.

First problem - The music cuts off as soon as we enter and everyone stares at us. I joke around and ask if we're being punk'd but no one answers. I probably should have left here too.

Next problem - My friends are sending me all types of signals that it's time for us to get out of there. Country is visibly uncomfortable while this short hispanic man whispers sweet nothings in her ear, or rather . . .slobbers in her ear. It wasn't a pretty sight, but I figured we'd oblige and be social for five more minutes and then I'd say I was feeling sick and needed to get home asap. I didn't have much of a problem with the guys because I had my "f*ck off" face. You know the one.

I will say that the one good thing about the bar was that they had this awesome kareoke machine, and I really can't pass up karaoke. 

Just as I'm considering stepping up to the mic, Country's inebriated "date"gets mad because his friend pulled off his toupee (I don't make this up. It happens). He very sloppily throws the first punch with a near-miss to my friend's face and I take this as the most obvious cue for us to leave. 

Third problem? - The door is blocked by everyone that's trying to break up this fight so I literally duck and dodge my way to the entrance only to have the bartender signal the owner to block us from leaving. Why? Because those "free drinks" weren't so free after all.

I'm sorry? There's a fight in your establishment with some old man who offered to buy us free drinks and you're HALF-NAKED, but the problem here is that we're trying to leave? Go sit down.

Of course as soon as we're going to leave, the guys decide to make nice (???!!!!) and look at us like "Where do you think you're going"? So now we're the bad guys, and b*tch Nhya has to come out. Just grrrreeeeeatttt.

I size up the situation. Those two guys could barely fight each other, so I'd say Country, my roommate and I have a decent chance if it comes down to it. Then there's the whole issue of my platforms. I decide that the responsible thing to do is convince the owner that he doesn't want to keep us because we're not paying no matter what he says, I could have him locked up for selling alcohol to us minors (Not true, but whatever) and his drunk old man friend is the one he needs to talk to about the tab. It works.

I'd tell you the name of the place, but it's not worth it. Just know I won't be going back.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The best is yet to come

In my last entry I wrote about a little bit about all of the f*ckery happening in my life. Let's be honest, people love to read about f*ckery. People love to laugh at other's misfortune or offer advice, and I respect that and hell, even feed into it. But today? Today Nhya's f*ckery will take a little rest. It'll be back soon though. Promise.

I've always thought that life after college would be a new adventure and that it has been. I wasn't sure if the adventure would be good or bad though, since my post graduate mind put myself in a sink or swim situation. It was all good though - I'm the kind of person who can test myself and be okay with it. Lately I've had a lot of time (shocker, right?) to think about what has gotten me to where I am today. I've done a little reflecting and thought about the people and life occurrences that have helped shape me into, well, me. Carrymel, Nhya, whatever you'd like to call me. I am so grateful for every single one of those things. The doubters, the haters, but most importantly, my appreciators. I have gotten to meet so many people that have added to my life or taught me a lesson of some sort - even the seasonal people, I'm happy they were here for the time they were.

And the best part about this life journey I'm still on? The best is yet to come.

I know I owe you a Halloween-esque Post, and it's on its way! I will say that my Halloween ended up not going according to plan though. . .