Sunday, September 11, 2011

You need this in your life

Check me out with two blog posts in one week! I'm proud of myself, even if you guys aren't impressed because you do it all the time.

Since you know I've been having an ample amount of free time on my hands, I decided to let you in on a couple of random things that made me smile this week, and will probably make your Sunday better.

Where my first checks will be going
(after the less fun but more crucial things like student loans, groceries, bills are paid for):

I stalked for found this cute little vintage store up the block selling a bunch of things I'd love to have in my life.

Office Envelope Laptop Sleeve

It's an envelope and a laptop case. It's an enve-case! I feel like this is so clever, even though I have a perfectly good PINK laptop case already. Whatever.

Music Branches

This exists! A tree branch iPod music thingamabob for those times when everyone wants to listen to the  iPod/iPad at once. Sure, you could just take the headphones out, but this is exponentially cooler. And $10.

Cupcake Chalkboard Panel

Cupcake-shaped chalkboard. I know it's probably for children ages 5-7, but I'd get crazy if I had this in my kitchen.

Divorce is not a laughing matter, but if it was, this is how I feel it should be portrayed:
(Thanks to Xay over at Que The Lights for sharing this video)

I thought it was hysterical, and while it would certainly help his chances in that competition for you to view it/call the hotline, I promise I'm posting it because I genuinely thought it was funny. But again, it wouldn't hurt for you to view it *hint, hint*.


  1. Love the cupcake chalk board! I'd totally have that!

    Cherie @ Refractions

  2. lol I'd get that laptop case...well if I didn't feel guilty about spending money I really don't have! Maybe it can be an early xmas pressie to myself haha X

  3. i just started following you....and i enjoy ur blog...and i flippin want....scratch that...i NEED that cupcake chalk will fit in right next to my spongebob wall blanket!!

  4. I can never get enough of your humor. Your tone just does something to me. I don't know what that something is, but it is very short of giving me LIFE.


    For one, I don't even own an Ipod (or any small music player for that matter. I'm extremely dated when it comes to miniature technological devices, I know..) but even I am FULLY aware of how much that Ipod device splitter is WINNING.

    That ENVE-case is cute. I have always been one to make products multifunctional against their intention. So to see something created for the sake of actually being used in more ways than one is THE BUSINESS in my eyes.

    Thanks for that divorce parody video. When he mushed her in the end, I shamelessly and quietly said "YESSSSS" though. [smirk].

  5. I added the laptop case to my pinterest site... too cool. I love nifty stuff like that.

    Other random things I like on your blog -
    -"Once upon a time, nobody gave a f*ck."
    -Your profile pic - totally feisty and definitely the forehead of a goddess :P
    -Quotes on the right side.

  6. Woots, someone really IS back on blogsphere haha 2 posts in a week, I'm so proud of you, girl! *tackles* hahaha ok let's be nice now. These are such amazing finds, seriously. Being the internet junkie and geek that I am, that tree Ipod hub is so cool, I'd be stoked to have one of those. I'm tempted to visit the site, but ermm... shipping costs are going to kill me so nevermind hahaha

    And I like that cupcake chalkboard too! haha That's a great way to remind me of the things I need to do for the day, I am getting a liiil' bit forgetful these days, curse you old age! haha

    Haha and on that vid, poor guy, he looks like he's about to kill himself. That wife of his is just too much, I wanted to swat her on my screen lol And the laugh at the end of the clip is just hilarious lol


    A Single Girl's Musings

  7. Yum i want that cupcake chalkboard too! :) so cute

  8. The three branch ipad thingabob is a really nice find.

  9. cupcake chalkboard will be fun to this post, very fun to read

  10. A year without true blood! Ugh! I still haven't caught up, I was at when Jessica and Jason kissed, I need to get caught up! By the way, the little tree ipod/ipad adapter is so bad ass! Must have!

  11. Ooo congratulations on entering the real world...bills bills and more bills! It's ok, before you know it you'll have the routine down! I love that envelope that functions as a laptop case and the branch ipod is awesome :D

  12. Thank you for exposing me to a cool new website that will help me empty my bank account! All jokes aside though, I bookmarked it.

  13. WOW! I'm always curious about places to find innovative pieces!! Thanks for sharing!


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- Nhya