Monday, January 30, 2012

Would you or wouldn't you?

While out with some friends last week for dinner and drinks the conversation started off the way most female conversations do: from fashion to feelings to, inevitably, men and relationships. One girl brought up the topic of proposing to a man instead of waiting for him to propose to you. She gave the example of a friend she knew who did it recently, which completely caught her boyfriend off-guard. I'm all for being pro-active and speaking your mind, but for me a proposal from the person I love is step 1 towards us getting married. Maybe I'm old fashion or I've seen too many Disney movies (or both, actually), but if I have to propose to you I'll feel like I'm robbing myself of the beginning stages of my fairy tale wedding.

But that's neither here nor there, lol.

Those who agreed with the girl proposing - which was basically the same as a man's proposal, only you give him a nice watch *rolls eyes* - said that it wasn't about "giving in". It was about knowing what you want and taking it upon yourself to get it. When it was put that way, I understood where the girl was coming from. I still personally wouldn't do it, but if she knew that was the man she wanted, and that he felt the same - more power to her! From the sound of things, however, it didn't seem like the boyfriend was too fond of her taking his moment away, it's also possible that he didn't want to get married to begin with. . .

. . . See, this is why you wait for him to be ready. Ha!

Would you propose to your man? And guys, how would you feel about your girlfriend proposing to you

Monday, January 23, 2012

The NYC side is overtaking my Long Island side

I've lived in the city heavily populated city-like area of Astoria for what? 3 or 4 months now? Now, I am hardly an authentic NYC girl - in my mind I am, but I can face facts and admit that since my childhood was spent on Long Island and I only have a few months under my belt, I am still a Long Island girl at heart. A bridge and tunnel-er at my core. I will say that I feel like I should get some city gal points for city next to a homeless man with a straight face as he de-robed on the subway the other day. That's his home, who am I to judge?

I won't say that I'm giving up on the Long Islander in me, but I am suppressing her. I'm becoming one of those people who hustles across the streets of manhattan avoiding lights, looking like they know where they're going, and I've finally figured out how to tell the cardinal directions of the streets without holding my iPhone up in the air and praying for a signal. Progress? I'd say so.

I even find myself getting annoyed by Long Island sometimes. Like why are Metrocard machines so damn hard to find out there? There are buses! I actually hadn't left the boroughs since Thanksgiving before my mom's birthday on Sunday, and you know what? It didn't feel like it. Maybe the city's stuck in a time loop because I swear it felt like 2 weeks.

With that being said, this video helped me realize that the New Yorker in me has been coming out, full-force. To my followers  that aren't New Yorkers - what do you think? Unfortunately (and not unfortunately), this is exactly how a lot of New Yorkers are. It's kind of funny!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Next up: Valentine's Day

I am over joyed for Valentine's Day this year.

If you haven't noticed, I completely feed in to commercialized holidays. I like the idea, and them forcing you to spend time with your loved ones/friends to celebrate unnecessary spending. To me, it's only for a couple of days out of the year when (almost) everyone's mood is elevated because of all the love in the air.

Cheesey, fine. I can admit to that, but why not celebrate it? It shouldn't be once a year - it should be every day - but because this ONE day was singled out and you get to be surrounded around other sweethearts, just enjoy it. Even if you're single, I'm sure there are people around you who you love. Enjoy that. And if there's no one around you who you love, love yourself especially hard for the day.

Another reason I'm excited for Valentine's Day is because I can't wait to ball my eyes out for The Vow. I purposely try to provoke emotions out of myself so I'll go pay to see movies I know I'll be too scared to watch through open eyes and that are guaranteed to make me cry.  I have convinced J to take me to see this even though he's a regular guy who hates romance movies and this movie is like about 3 other Rachel McAdams movies I've seen before. 

Be honest, doesn't an itty bitty teeny tiny part of you kind of want to see this movie? 

Monday, January 16, 2012

You can thank Martin Luther King Jr. for this post

Well, you can. You can thank him for a lot of other things like being a major influence on the civil rights movement but for right now, as you're reading this, you can thank him for this update.

This long weekend I've been making great use of my time. Since I now have cable (moving on up in the world), I can now watch shows other than The Office and Charmed re-runs on Netflix, which I've been doing since about August. As it turns out, TV still sucks even after you give yourself a 5 month break from it.

Along with watching cable, I've been forcing my homebody boyfriend to explore the city. When I say "force", I mean gently but persistently encourage him. He's not a fan of crowds or public transportation, but I could really care less about that. If I'm living in a city, it's just something we've both got to get use to and so far he's been a good sport.

And another New Years resolution that I've been starting to work on is spending more time with my dad - who I don't talk about much on here. You hear about La Madre, which she loves because in her mind that makes her a celebrity, but my dad deserves shine too. This weekend J and I went on a "double date" with him and his womanfriend. You would think it would be awkward but it wasn't. . .just 4 adults talking and enjoying good food. Gahd, am I getting old? That statement sounded old.

I feel like  I spent so much of my life trying to get older and now that I'm in my 20's. . .I'd gladly give back like 2-3 years. There are obvious pros to being over 21 though. Still trying to figure those out.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Life Lessons

"The difference between school and life? In school you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life you're given a test and then taught a lesson".

- Tom Boddett

Such is life. 

I've been learning that a lot of people (okay, not a lot, but some) that I've hung out with high school and even in college still have a lot of growing up to do. I know that you're always learning and growing in life, but there should be a certain point when you reach a level of maturity that can make you admirable. A role model, even. Now I'm not saying "I have arrived" or anything, but I'm happy and proud of the place I am in life right now.  I think once you can accept and understand the above quote, you're getting there.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Making my way around

First of all - Happy New Year, my bloggies! I hope your year has been filled with less stress, no mess and lots of happiness so far. I know mine has.

I hate giving you all updates of my life and no real awesome stories to go along with it, so I apologize for that. Instead, I will give you photos that illustrate what I have been up to. Most people are visual learners, right?

Giving in to my mini-shopping addiction.

Spending time with those I absolutely adore and haven't seen in foreverrrr.

Going to Florida and seeing my sissy poo.

And her brother. My boo.

Relaxing in the sun while everyone else dealt with NY's bipolar weather.

Bottle poppin' and show stoppin'.

Celebrating 2011's end and 2012 beginning.

Finding my new favorite hangout.

Photographing some crazies.

Being "grown".

Celebrating a much needed break.

How have you all been spending your year so far? Keeping up with those resolutions, I hope. I'll be making my blogging rounds to visit you all - just give me some time! :)